I am trying to implement virtual keyboard in UI native application model (not IME model) for Tizen 2.4 Mobile profile. I have tried to use ELM’s Entry widget but I run into a few problems:
- I am not able to set the cursor’s visibility to false
- The virtual keyboard are always popped up in portrait mode, even the main app’s window has been rotated to 270 degree, the text entry field itself is in landscape mode
Here is the relevant code snippet:
ad->win = add_win(ad->name);
elm_win_rotation_set(ad->win, 270);
//indicator setting
//elm_conformant create
ad->conform = create_conform(ad->win);
ad->virtual_kb = create_virtual_kb(ad->conform); // < ----- creating ELM’s Entry widget and add it to conform’s children
And here is the function create_virtual_kb():
static Evas_Object*
create_virtual_kb(Evas_Object* parent)
if ( parent == NULL )
return NULL;
Evas_Object * vkb = elm_entry_add(parent);
elm_object_focus_set(vkb, EINA_FALSE);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(vkb, "changed", vkb_changed_cb, vkb);
elm_entry_single_line_set(vkb, EINA_TRUE);
return vkb;
Is there a sample code I can take a look that overcome the above two problems?