Hello everyone! I have a problem.. I'd like my Web App for TV to get some datas from an external json file, it works fine while emulating and debugging, but when I install the app on my Tv, it doesn't work anymore. What could it be?
This is an extract from config.xml source:
<access origin="the url where i'm hosting the file" subdomains="true"/>
<access origin="*" subdomains="true"></access>
Privileges: developer samsung: contentsdownload, network.public
Tizen: application.launch, tv.intupdevice and internet
This is inside the index.js file
url : "the url where I'm hosting the file/video.json",
dataType: "jsonp",
jsonpCallback: "response",
error: function(){alert("no");},
success: function(data){
//do the stuff I wanna do and correctly close the brackets
This is the JSON file:
response ( { "serie": [ { "titolo":"Road Trip: da Brescia a Capo Nord", "id":["Cprf_Lwc6Ng","pvkw-gaYmus","xLEnG0M-I7U","Xhi2fuGceF8","6_kpcXAbrwQ","lZtnVwMFueY","9EFoPeIp12Y","zdULSxZEwoo","jKXdJpC_xiA","o-GcEYwiGLM","e7Qum9Praxs","4hKMLWaHcxk","Pekkyqr-wkI","ZROPqsb5vHU","3nGLttcPHho"]}, { "titolo":"Caricamenti Recenti","id":["2mHXz5ybItg","effElWI1550","hFusmft3JT0","usQjdyTfgYM","bbqDbXb4jbo","Ou_RbFSm3H0","vxCvohh8iy4","jP24Uxb8tX4","5x2mb7aL4E4","QzaSJ42Mpc8"] }, { "titolo":"Brescia Escapes", "id":["FoANSjp4A9o","G0hyvjlmYjc","ReFG_VWe36I","Fsc_rlV_Kk0","bbtZXNtMv44","G1Hx4IeM7us","dvF8C_-WVqk","CVZLt51O5SU"] } ] });
I also put this in the head of my index.html
<script src="url of the json file" type="application/json"></script>
What am I doing wrong? Thanx!