Info: Refreshing repository: Tizen-main ...
Verbose: repo: Tizen-main was added
Info: Refreshing repository: Tizen-base ...
Verbose: repo: Tizen-base was added
Info: zypp architecture is <armv7l>
Info: Marking ./mic-bootstrap-x86-arm-1.0-3.1.armv7l.rpm to be installed
Info: Checking packages cached ...(it take very long time)
Info: Packages: 679 Total, 679 Cached, 0 Missed
I found the reason is invoking rpmkeys:
/usr/bin/rpmkeys --checksig --nosignature /var/tmp/mic/cache/packages/Tizen-main/XXXXX.rpm
If is this reason, how to make mic faster on execute rpmkeys? or, any other method?