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[Tizen-Downloader] - UI AddControl crash

Hi all,

I've a downloader project on Tizen and it's crash when start... 

I see it crash when "AddControl(MainForm *pMainForm)"


​​MainForm *pMainForm = new MainForm();



ItemForm * pItemForm = new ItemForm();



// Add the form to the frame

//Form* pCurrentForm = Application::GetInstance()->GetAppFrame()->GetFrame()->GetCurrentForm();

Frame * pFrame = GetAppFrame()->GetFrame();

pFrame->AddControl(*pMainForm);//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< here

Link project:



04-17 10:43:34.060 : ERROR / Tizen::App ( 2124 : 2141 ) : void Tizen::App::_ConditionManagerStub::OnInstallComplete(const Tizen::App::AppId&, const Tizen::Base::String&, const Tizen::Base::String&) (133). > failed to GetAppLaunchConditionListN(93bt1p123e.DrStrangecodeRssReader)

04-17 10:43:36.605 : INFO / DrStrangecodeRssReader ( 3866 : 3866 ) : int OspMain(int, char **) (32). > Application started.

04-17 10:43:36.675 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Ui::_KeyEventManagerImpl::_KeyEventManagerImpl() (146). > [E_SYSTEM] pKeyMgr == null

04-17 10:43:36.725 : ERROR / Tizen::Base ( 3866 : 3866 ) : result Tizen::Base::String::SubString(int, Tizen::Base::String&) const (1113). > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The startIndex(11) MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and less than the length of this string(11).

04-17 10:43:36.725 : ERROR / Tizen::Base ( 3866 : 3866 ) : result Tizen::Base::String::SubString(int, Tizen::Base::String&) const (1113). > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The startIndex(11) MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and less than the length of this string(11).

04-17 10:43:36.745 : INFO / DrStrangecodeRssReader ( 3866 : 3866 ) : virtual bool DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &) (38). > thread DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing -- begin

04-17 10:43:36.745 : INFO / DrStrangecodeRssReader ( 3866 : 3866 ) : virtual bool DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &) (42). > thread DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing -- begin1

04-17 10:43:36.790 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.800 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.800 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Controls ( 3866 : 3866 ) : result Tizen::Ui::Controls::_Form::SetTitleText(const Tizen::Base::String&, Tizen::Ui::Controls::HorizontalAlignment) (1096). > [E_INVALID_OPERATION] This API is only for FORM_STYLE_TITLE.

04-17 10:43:36.800 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.800 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.835 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.835 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.845 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Controls ( 3866 : 3866 ) : virtual Tizen::Ui::Control* Tizen::Ui::Controls::_HeaderMaker::Make(Tizen::Ui::_UiBuilderControl*) (1749). > [E_INVALID_STATE] Failed to set an icon

04-17 10:43:36.850 : ERROR / Tizen::Graphics ( 3866 : 3866 ) : result Tizen::Graphics::Font::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String&, int, int) (102). > [E_FILE_NOT_FOUND] The specified font could not be found or accessed

04-17 10:43:36.850 : ERROR / Tizen::Graphics ( 3866 : 3866 ) : static Tizen::Graphics::Font* Tizen::Graphics::_FontImpl::CloneN(const Tizen::Graphics::Font&) (423). > [E_INVALID_ARG] Invalid input param given

04-17 10:43:36.850 : ERROR / Tizen::Graphics ( 3866 : 3866 ) : result Tizen::Graphics::_Text::TextObject::SetFont(Tizen::Graphics::Font*, int, int) (1444). > [E_INVALID_ARG] Propagating.

04-17 10:43:36.850 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Controls ( 3866 : 3866 ) : int Tizen::Ui::Controls::_TableView::GetItemCountAt(int) const (591). > [E_INVALID_ARG] Invalid group index.

04-17 10:43:36.850 : INFO / DrStrangecodeRssReader ( 3866 : 3866 ) : virtual bool DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &) (44). > thread DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing -- begin2

04-17 10:43:36.855 : INFO / DrStrangecodeRssReader ( 3866 : 3866 ) : virtual bool DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &) (46). > thread DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing -- begin3

04-17 10:43:36.855 : INFO / DrStrangecodeRssReader ( 3866 : 3866 ) : virtual bool DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &) (49). > thread DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing -- begin4

04-17 10:43:36.860 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.860 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.860 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Controls ( 3866 : 3866 ) : result Tizen::Ui::Controls::_Form::SetTitleText(const Tizen::Base::String&, Tizen::Ui::Controls::HorizontalAlignment) (1096). > [E_INVALID_OPERATION] This API is only for FORM_STYLE_TITLE.

04-17 10:43:36.860 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.860 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.875 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.875 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Animations ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::Graphics::Canvas* Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::GetCanvasN(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&) (3647). > [E_INVALID_STATE] VisualElement is not attached to main tree.

04-17 10:43:36.875 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui::Controls ( 3866 : 3866 ) : virtual Tizen::Ui::Control* Tizen::Ui::Controls::_HeaderMaker::Make(Tizen::Ui::_UiBuilderControl*) (1749). > [E_INVALID_STATE] Failed to set an icon

04-17 10:43:36.880 : INFO / DrStrangecodeRssReader ( 3866 : 3866 ) : virtual bool DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &) (51). > thread DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing -- begin5

04-17 10:43:36.880 : INFO / DrStrangecodeRssReader ( 3866 : 3866 ) : virtual bool DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &) (53). > thread DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing -- begin6

04-17 10:43:36.880 : ERROR / Tizen::App ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::App::IAppFrame* Tizen::App::_UiAppImpl::GetAppFrame() (253). > There is no frame !!! use AddFrame() before call GetAppFrame()

04-17 10:43:36.880 : ERROR / Tizen::Base::Collection ( 3866 : 3866 ) : virtual const Tizen::Base::Object* Tizen::Base::Collection::ArrayList::GetAt(int) const (242). > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The index(-1) MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the number of elements(0).

04-17 10:43:36.880 : ERROR / Tizen::App ( 3866 : 3866 ) : Tizen::App::IAppFrame* Tizen::App::_UiAppImpl::GetAppFrame() (261). > There is no frame !!! use AddFrame() before call GetAppFrame()

04-17 10:43:36.880 : INFO / DrStrangecodeRssReader ( 3866 : 3866 ) : virtual bool DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &) (58). > thread DrStrangecodeRssReader::OnAppInitializing -- begin7



Thx for support.


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 댓글
You can get reference from below link to develop Downloader project on Tizen. Below link help you to solve your purpose. https://developer.tizen.org/help/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.tizen.native.apireference%2FclassTizen_1_1Content_1_1DownloadManager.html https://developer.tizen.org/help/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.tizen.native.apireference%2FclassTizen_1_1Content_1_1DownloadManager.html
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Thx for reply @kavish, but it crash when "AddControl" could you see my log again?
Probably Frame is not added .... check the return value and exception from "GetFrame()" method. Frame * pFrame = GetAppFrame()->GetFrame(); //Add a check here for proper pFrame (i.e. null check) ..... and exception (i.e. GetLastResult()) pFrame->AddControl(*pMainForm); Please note that the Frame needs to be added using "AddFrame(.....)" method
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Thx @dhirku :)