Straight and simple : I am not able to see data folder inside opt/apps/(MyAppID) directory. I have expanded the emulator and I looked into my app data path. I am not able to see neither data folder and the file which I saved. The following is the code which I used to create a file and saved inside the data folder,
String fileName(L"log.txt"); File file; char buffer[10]; char buffer2[5]; int i; int readCnt; result r = E_SUCCESS; // Creates file String filePath = App::GetInstance()->GetAppDataPath() + fileName; r = file.Construct(filePath, "w+"); if (IsFailed(r)) { AppLog("Failed"); } for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { buffer[i] = (char) i; } // Writes to the file r = file.Write(buffer, 10); if (IsFailed(r)) { AppLog("Failed"); } // Repositions the file pointer r = file.Seek(FILESEEKPOSITION_CURRENT, -5); if (IsFailed(r)) { AppLog("Failed"); }
The above code is taken from the Tizen website and no error is being thrown.
NOTE : After this problem , I tried to create data folder inside the opt/apps/(MyAppID) on my own too, but it is displaying error as data folder already exists.
Why I am not able to see data folder ?