언어 설정


Hi I am facing problem in displaying a webview on my native app.


I dragged the control on native Ui builder and then accessed it inside AppMainForm::OnInitializing function.

and did following 

Tizen::Web::Controls::Web* __pWeb = static_cast<Web*>(GetControl(L"IDC_WEB1"));

if(__pWeb != null)






1kPHWWOm9D is the id I took from manifest file. 


What must be going wrong.


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


6 댓글
nothing looks wrong here .... the control shall be displayed and the page shall load. You can try creating the the web control by code also ..... just to check Very important thing ..... do not hard code the file path ..... use Tizen::App::App::GetAppResourcePath(...) method.
Pushpa G
@aas2013: I tried your code, it was diaplying the web view after creating it in the Native UI builder form. But i tried with __pWeb->LoadUrl(L"http://www.tizen.org"); So i guess you better use use Tizen::App::App::GetAppResourcePath(...) method to give the path you wanted here and then try loading it in the web
Pushpa G