
Dark theme for Tizen Studio 2.1

Dear all,

Is there a way to change the Classic Theme of Tizen Studio 2.1 with other themes?

My purpose is to use a Dark theme for the whole IDE.

Firstly there are no other themes currently available on the Tizen Studio installation so it must be downloaded/installed somehow into the IDE.

Secontly I cannot use the Marketplace client (separate install into IDE) to install a plug-in like MoonriseUI.

The only success I had on this was to find a dark theme for the editor only imported as preference file (File -> Import... -> Preferences).


Any other thoughts on this or does anyone had success on changing the theme?

Thank you in advance!


3 回复
Shaswati Saha

I've tried to load dark theme on my Tizen Studio 2.0. I could just make the editor black, not the whole studio. Will it do your work for now?

Apostolos Katranitsas

Dear Saha,

I have already done that.

My editor is using the Oblivion theme.

My other thought is to just grab a plain Eclipse IDE and load all the plug-ins of Tizen Studio into it.

It will take me some time to make it work but it will relief the pain in my eyes from the brightness!



Apostolos Katranitsas

Tizen 2.2 is out but still does not support dark theme!