
Incorrect architecture and configuration when calling "tizen build-app" (Tizen CLI) to build hybrid wearable app

I'm running the following command to build my Tizen 3.0 hybrid wearable app (compiler: llvm-4.0, architecture: arm, platform: wearable-3.0):

tizen build-app -m "name:m1,compiler:llvm-4.0,rootstraps:[name:NativeService,platform:wearable-3.0,arch:arm],configs:[Release]" -b "name:b1,targets:[WebApp,NativeService],methods:[m1]" -p "name:MyPkg,targets:[b1]" -s MyProfile


The console output shows that the native app is built targeting i386 (not arm) architecture, and with Debug configuration (not Release):

package : MyPkg
package type : hybrid
project : %WebAppPath%
project : %NativeServicePath%
Wearable-3.0, i386
=== ====== ===
[PLATFORM] Wearable-3.0
[ARCHITECTURE] i386   <=======incorrect
[CONFIGURATION] Debug   <======= incorrect


If I remove the "rootstraps" parameter, then the app is built in Release configuration (good), but the app still targets i386 instead of arm (bad).

What is the correct CLI syntax for ensuring that my app is built targeting "arm" architecture, and only in Release mode?


3 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam

I've reproduced the same scenario as your's. It seems the exact Issue persists on my CLI environment:

Let me spare some time on this, I'll update If I've found a wayout. Please share on this thread, If you have any update on this.

Ed Namur

Correct syntax is:

tizen build-app -m "name:m1,compiler:llvm-4.0,rootstraps:[{"name":"wearable-3.0-device.core","platform":"wearable-3.0","arch":"arm"}],configs:[Release]" -b "name:b1,targets:[WebApp,NativeService],methods:[m1]" -p "name:MyPkg,targets:[b1]" -s MyProfile

In the above build-app command, in rootstraps field curly braces('{' '}') has to be there, otherwise it will take rootstraps as null and will pick the default rootstraps i.e. architecture i386. Also name field in rootstraps should be the rootstrap name (wearable-3.0-device.core) for that architecture as given in the above command.

Armaan-Ul- Islam

Thanks for sharing. Might help developers stuck on similar scenario.