Hello there
I have ported some of my bada apps by creating new native projects and removing deprectaed APIs or APIs with compability issues. Did not use import
I have changed the UI to match tizen UI as well
They all work great on emulator... so I signed the tpks ans uploaded them to tizn store (I don't have a device)
They all got rejected by tizen store!!!!!!!
The application has failed to run. It doesn't display anything when pressing launching icon.
Please build your application using latest Tizen SDK as possible.
Run application.
[Expected Result]
The application must run properly without causing any errors.
Tester at tizen store don't send me the logs...
Using tizen 2.0 sdk
AppId is unique per app (not similar to bada id)
Singed with the key (smae key to all app)
runs on simultaor but for example one app returns this log
I/AppName( 2282): int OspMain(int, char **) (20). > Application started.
E/Tizen::Ui( 2282): Tizen::Ui::_KeyEventManagerImpl::_KeyEventManagerImpl() (146
). > [E_SYSTEM] pKeyMgr == null
E/Tizen::Base( 2282): result Tizen::Base::String::SubString(int, Tizen::Base::St
ring&) const (1113). > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The startIndex(11) MUST be greater than
or equal to 0, and less than the length of this string(11).
E/Tizen::Base( 2282): result Tizen::Base::String::SubString(int, Tizen::Base::St
ring&) const (1113). > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The startIndex(11) MUST be greater than
or equal to 0, and less than the length of this string(11).
E/Tizen::Ui::Controls( 2282): result Tizen::Ui::Controls::_Form::SetTitleText(co
nst Tizen::Base::String&, Tizen::Ui::Controls::HorizontalAlignment) (1096). > [E
E/Tizen::Ui::Controls( 2282): void Tizen::Ui::Controls::_FormImpl::SetFormBackEv
entListener(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::IFormBackEventListener*) (759). > [E_INVA
LID_STATE] Footer isn't constructed.
any idea?