I try to build native app with libboost 1.51.0
I add some missing boost library files to tizen-sdk\platforms\tizen2.2\rootstraps\tizen-device-2.2.native\usr\include\boost and ..\..\..\libs,
from http://download.tizen.org/releases/2.2/tizen-2.2/repos/tizen-main/armv7l/packages/armv7l/libboost*.rpm (that extract .hpp and .so, .a with 7zip)
Anyway, I can build with `native-make.bat`.
and I use 'http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_51_0/doc/html/boost_asio/example/chat/chat_client.cpp' source code.
It compiled and link well : )
But, when I sdb push output to device, and chmod, launch with root permission,
It seems run well, but if I type something It crashed with following error.
sh-4.1# ./chat_client 54321 ./chat_client 54321 54321 54321 crashed [1390706381] processname=chat_client, pid=8574, tid=8575, signal=4[sys-assert]dladdr returnes error! Illegal instruction (core dumped) sh-4.1#
I dig some more, and I know that following line is the issue point. (without post, It doesn't crashed.)
io_service_.post(boost::bind(&chat_client::do_write, this, msg));
Is it a my fault? or what? I dont know what to do...
Anybody knows simillar issue?
PS. Sorry for my bad english. ; )