Hi There
I have long experience in bada development I am looking forward to port some of my apps to Tizen
However I have discovered many issues already in Tizen SDK and Emulator in the past 2 days running on Ubuntu / windows xp 32 bits (slow machine). These are really pain and I can't port may apps because of them
I will list what I remember
Using file manager :FindAppControlN(L"tizen.filemanager",
Is not working .. No images or sounds files list
Deperected OnAppControlCompleted() and new API OnAppControlCompleteResponseReceived() and OnAppControlStartResponseReceived() all not called at all
Log shows system runtime error about failing to join threads E-SYSTEM-ERROR
2 - Compatibility OSP issues
These methods complain and ask for file path to start with /Home or /Media /Storgecard - They don't take new API
static bool Tizen::Content::_ContentManagerUtilImpl::VerifyFilePathCompatibility(const Tizen::Base::String&) (1026). > The contentPath should start with /Home, /Media, or /Storagecard/Media.
static Tizen::Content::AudioMetadata* Tizen::Content::_ContentManagerUtilImpl::GetAudioMetaN(const Tizen::Base::String&) (280). > [E_INVALID_ARG] /opt/apps/*******/data/test.mp3 is not compatible.
3- The IDE does not report compatibility issues under problems view even if you check it in project propertites
I am sure there are more bugs but can't remember them now but I think there are more API methods with similar issues to second problem