
Annoying bugs found already

Hi There

I have long experience in bada development I am looking forward to port some of my apps to Tizen

However I have discovered many issues already in Tizen SDK and Emulator in the past 2 days running on Ubuntu / windows xp 32 bits (slow machine). These are really pain and I can't port may apps because of them

I will list what I remember

Using file manager :FindAppControlN(L"tizen.filemanager",
Is not working .. No images or sounds files list

Deperected OnAppControlCompleted() and new API OnAppControlCompleteResponseReceived() and OnAppControlStartResponseReceived() all not called at all

Log shows system runtime error about failing to join threads E-SYSTEM-ERROR

2 - Compatibility OSP issues
These methods complain and ask for file path to start with /Home or /Media /Storgecard - They don't take new API

static bool Tizen::Content::_ContentManagerUtilImpl::VerifyFilePathCompatibility(const Tizen::Base::String&) (1026). > The contentPath should start with /Home, /Media, or /Storagecard/Media.
static Tizen::Content::AudioMetadata* Tizen::Content::_ContentManagerUtilImpl::GetAudioMetaN(const Tizen::Base::String&) (280). > [E_INVALID_ARG] /opt/apps/*******/data/test.mp3 is not compatible.

3- The IDE does not report compatibility issues under problems view even if you check it in project propertites

I am sure there are more bugs but can't remember them now but I think there are more API methods with similar issues to second problem

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 Replies
Vineet Tiwari
Hi, All the above errors are relative to native programming, please post in "native forum " support to get more help.
Request to download migration tool from the below link and install it with Tizen SDK. Please go through more details for installtion with the following link. After installation, please check "bada C++ application with bada 2.0 to Tizen native application" in you installed tizen-sdk/documentation path. 1. In the IDE, select File > Import >Tizen >Import bada Project and click Next. 2. Select your existing bada C++ application project and click Finish. 3. If your build fails check removed or changed API list in the SDK documents.
OK,, wasted lots of time on this Problem #2 and Maybe problem #1 Happen because of using bada migration tool. It seems that there are projects settings that confuse the tizen emulator. I tried to uncheck Osp-Compat framework from project properties but didn't help. I decided to start new native tizen project and copy bada code piece by peice and remove all deprecated APIs removing deprecated APIs and modifying the API with compatibility issues after using the migration tool does no help Problem #1 also could be due my old slow laptop. It seems MyFiles app does not run correctly (maybe due to failure or time out ) ... I got new laptop with vTX support and it works now. However This problem could be due using the migration tools as well. I can't confirm Problem # 3 Give me a break... nothing but privileges issues are reported under Problems View ... No deprecated API or API with computability issues are reported ... I check every method with the help file now.. take longer time to port bada apps