I work on this TV UE55KU6000 (2016, Tizen 2.4, TV Extension 2.0, or higher) and I am trying to figure out whether it supports "GenChallenge".
According to AvPlayer page, it has been supported since Tizen 2018 but my TV is from 2016.
Is there a way to get the license challenge rather than using "GetChallenge" approach?
When I tried this configuration:
// Set Playready Settings var json = { DeleteLicenseAfterUse: true, GetChallenge: true }; try { webapis.avplay.setDrm("PLAYREADY", "SetProperties", JSON.stringify(json)); } catch (e) { console.log("SetDrm: " + e); }
I get the following drmEvent from the AvPlayer:
DRM callback: PLAYREADY, data: {"name":"define_it","reserved":0,"code":0,"message":"errorState=0&contentID=U20I20DNpEK7%2FrqgA7nHyQ%3D%3D&rightsIssuerURL=https%3A%2F%2Ffoo%2Eglobal%2ElicenseUrl%2Edummy%2FlicenseServer%2Fv1%2FplayReady%2Flicense%3FcontentId%3DDieHard2"}
But I was expecting to get "Challenge" which contains the playready challenge.
if (data.name === 'Challenge') {
Apparently, my TV doesn't support this 'GenChallenge' or 'GetChallenge'? (Could someone also clarify which one is correct? I have seen different usages in different pages.)
Is there another way to get license challenge?