var addressbook; var addressbook = tizen.contact.getDefaultAddressBook(); addressbook.find(contactsFoundCB, errorCB); function contactsFoundCB(contacts){ /* Convert the first contact */ var vcard = contacts[0].convertToString("VCARD_30"); console.log("textual representation of the contact is: " + vcard); }
I get the answer to the console
BEGIN:VCARD soleMessage( 2834): VERSION:3.0 Message( 2834): N;CHARSET=UTF-8:;Qwe;;; soleMessage( 2834): FN;CHARSET=UTF-8:Qwe ssage( 2834): TEL;TYPE=CELL;PREF;CHARSET=UTF-8:123123123 leMessage( 2834): END:VCARD
Qwe – Name, 123123123 — phone
Please tell me how I can quickly parse it?