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How do I download Tizen 2.0 source code?

I don't seem to find name of the project here that relates to Tizen 2.0:


Any idea what exactly should I replace the dots with, do download Magnolia source code:

git clone ssh://<my_user_id>@review.tizen.org:<port_no>/<.....................>.git


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


14 댓글
Use below link to download Tizen SDK . https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/tizen-sdk Once you have downloaded SDK install it using installation guide from given link. https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/sdk/installing-tizen-sdk After installing you can check sample code from SDK. for more info check below link also. https://www.tizen.org/blogs/tsg/2013/tizen-2.0-magnolia-sdk-and-source-code-release Regards Kavish,
Atul Tiwari
Kavish - thank you very much for your response. I'm a platform developer, that is, I would like to compile and run Tizen on a hardware. I don't find full Tizen source code as SDK seems to have sample code only: tizen-sdk/platforms/tizen2.0/samples/native/.. tizen-sdk/platforms/tizen2.0/samples/Web/.. I followed the guidelines from these documents: https://source.tizen.org/documentation Nevertheless none of the docs suggest where exactly this code is and how to get it. I have done everything possible, e.g.: setup a gerrit account on review.tizen.org, download and install SDK, install OBS on Ubuntu 12.10. However I don't know where exactly Tizen2.0 source code is. I see various folders under "Admin -> Projects" of my gerrit account however I don't see any reference to Tizen in there. Thanks for your help. Atul
Atul Tiwari
Can someone help me with my question above? Thanks :)
Hi Atul, you can download the source code of all projects using the below command repo init -u git://gitorious.org/tizen-toys/tizen-manifest repo sync if you could see the kernel & uboot projects in the tizen git, they will be downloaded.
Balakrishna Patil
Hello All, I am new to tizen, i am trying to download tizen source and bring up on pandaboard, With lot of googling and reading this blog i reached upto creating a gerrit account & downloading small packages, I am having trouble in downloading entire source code, i am gettiing error for present in the git_proxy file. There is no Network restriction for the Data line i am using , do i stilll need git_proxy ? Please find the procedure i followed as below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have set up my gerrit account, snap shot below, gesinv@android-desktop:~/Tizen-Src$ ssh tizen Enter passphrase for key '/home/gesinv/.ssh/id_rsa': **** Welcome to Gerrit Code Review **** Hi Balakrishna Patil, you have successfully connected over SSH. Unfortunately, interactive shells are disabled. To clone a hosted Git repository, use: git clone ssh://gesinv@review.tizen.org:29418/REPOSITORY_NAME.git Connection to review.tizen.org closed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Am Able to download small packages, using below command, gesinv@android-desktop:~/Tizen-Src$ repo init -u ssh://gesinv@review.tizen.org:29418/scm/manifest -b tizen -m ivi.xml gesinv@android-desktop:~/Tizen-Src$ repo sync All-Projects/ ivi-panda-repos/ package-groups-panda/ panda-release-repos/ system-adaptation-pandaboard/ image-configurations-panda/ meta-panda/ panda-preview-repos/ panda-repos/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But when i try to download whole source code using below code, i am getting below error, gesinv@android-desktop:~/Tizen-Src$ repo init -u git://gitorious.org/tizen-toys/tizen-manifest Get https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo remote: Counting objects: 101, done remote: Finding sources: 100% (101/101) remote: Total 2533 (delta 1442), reused 2533 (delta 1442) Receiving objects: 100% (2533/2533), 1.71 MiB | 57 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1442/1442), done. 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Thanks & Regards, Balakrishna Patil
Shawe Ewahs
I got it doing this: git clone ssh://@review.tizen.org:29418/tools/manifest/tizen-2.0-main.git tools/manifest/tizen-2.0-main
Tizenivi dev
Hi shawn Does this clone include the u-boot,kernel and file system as a single build? I am using a ubuntu 12.04 desktop Trying to port tizen on omap Is the source available as tarball? Pl Let me know Regards Prasanna
John Ixion
Hi Prasanna, You'll find more info here: https://lists.tizen.org/pipermail/general/2013-March/001747.html
Tizenivi dev
Hi Oliver Thanks for sharing the link. Does the uboot is different for booting tizen(samsung uboot)? I need a tarball of uboot and kernel and filesystem How and where Can I get it ? Regards Prasanna
Tizenivi dev
Hi Olivier Also on The link is this command wget http://download.tizen.org/snapshots/trunk/ivi/latest/repos/ivi/source/dialog-1.1-9.5.src.rpm Does this clone entire ivi source including bootloader,kernel,fs ? And what changes do i need to make to clone tablet variant? Also porting document uses the following command. osc co TIZEN:2.0:System kernel osc co TIZEN:2.0:System u-boot which gives me the following error $user/tizen/source# osc co TIZEN:2.0:System kernel Server returned an error: HTTP Error 401: basic auth failed Error getting meta for project 'TIZEN:2.0:System' package 'kernel' Pl let me know Regards Prasanna
John Ixion
I can't help you but all the source code experts are on the General mailing list imo ;) https://www.tizen.org/community/mailing-lists
Ankit Kumar

Hi all,
1)       Is there any way to download tizen 2.0 from gerrit (bcoz there is no branch named as tizen 2.0 in scm/manifest)
2)       As i downloaded tizen 2.2 using gerrit giving branch name as tizen2.2 ,
            then can i build the same source code for tizen 2.0
         can i switch to tizen 2.0 in the downloaded source code.
3)        If anyone knows the way to build tizen 2.2 except following command then kindly guide.        

	$ gbs build -A armv7l --threads=4 --clean-once 
Brajendra Gupra
Hello Everyone, Thanks for nice help to everyone. Actually after this command, its downloaded only below files default.xml --> its contain all list of project entry shell script -> list & addlist .git files Can someone suggest me next steps like to how to download complete source code in local PC. Thanks for your all support and help!
Ankit Kumar

Hi all,
1)       Is there any way to download tizen 2.0 from gerrit (bcoz there is no branch named as tizen 2.0 in scm/manifest)
2)       As i downloaded tizen 2.2 using gerrit giving branch name as tizen2.2 ,
            then can i build the same source code for tizen 2.0
         can i switch to tizen 2.0 in the downloaded source code.
3)        If anyone knows the way to build tizen 2.2 except following command then kindly guide.        

	$ gbs build -A armv7l --threads=4 --clean-once