언어 설정

Tizen Store Content ID for contest

Hello, my app was approved for sale in the app store yesterday and I want to enter the contest but I can not find the Tizen store content id for my app anywhere on the seller website. Where is it located?


6 댓글

I think you will receive the store content id to your email. Refer this -> https://developer.tizen.org/contests/tizen-app-challenge/faq

Marco Buettner

Click on your applicatin on the Seller Office and you will find the content for sure!


How long did it took for the app to be approved?

Marco Buettner

max 3 days

Content ID is  also located in the link when you open the app page under "on sale"

something like 0000000xxxxx





You can also right-click the Application Title (i.e. on the "On Sale" tab) and copy the URL of your app to get the "contentId".

The result for one of my apps is:
