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convert png to bitmap


Hi :)

I'm writing code for wallpaper in form like this


    result r;
	Canvas* canvas=this->GetCanvasN();

	Image img;
	Bitmap* pBitmap = null;
	Canvas* pCanvas = null;
	String filePath = Tizen::App::App::GetInstance()->GetAppRootPath() + L"img/Homescreen_sunny_day_bg.png";


	// Decodes the image
	pBitmap = img.DecodeN(filePath, BITMAP_PIXEL_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8 );
	//pBitmap = pAppResource->GetBitmapN(filePath, BITMAP_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB8888);

	r= canvas->DrawBitmap(Rectangle(0, 66,480,800-138), * pBitmap);
	if (IsFailed(r))
	AppLog("Draw Bitmap Failed");
	return r;
	return r;


But, When I run this code, I get this log

11-28 10:06:27.150 : INFO / MorningAlarm ( 7263 : 7263 ) : int OspMain(int, char **)(20) > Application started.
11-28 10:06:27.170 : ERROR / Tizen::Base::Collection ( 2421 : 2421 ) : virtual const Tizen::Base::Object* Tizen::Base::Collection::ArrayList::GetAt(int) const(238) > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The index(2) MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the number of elements(2).
11-28 10:06:27.190 : ERROR / Tizen::Ui ( 7263 : 7263 ) : bool Tizen::Ui::_Control::IsVisible() const(2943) > [E_SYSTEM] This control should be attached to the main tree.
11-28 10:06:27.210 : ERROR / Tizen::Io ( 7263 : 7263 ) : result Tizen::Io::_DirEnumeratorImpl::MoveNext()(143) > [E_END_OF_FILE] End of directory entries
11-28 10:06:27.210 : ERROR / Tizen::App ( 7263 : 7263 ) : virtual Tizen::Graphics::Bitmap* Tizen::App::_AppResourceBitmap::GetBitmapN(const Tizen::Base::String&, Tizen::Graphics::BitmapPixelFormat, bool) const(84) > [E_FILE_NOT_FOUND] The specified file does not exist.
11-28 10:06:27.210 : ERROR / Tizen::Graphics ( 7263 : 7263 ) : result Tizen::Graphics::Canvas::DrawBitmap(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&, const Tizen::Graphics::Bitmap&)(257) > [E_INVALID_ARG] The source bitmap is invalid.
11-28 10:06:27.210 : INFO / MorningAlarm ( 7263 : 7263 ) : virtual result MorningAlarmForm::OnDraw()(127) > Draw Bitmap Failed



I think the reason is to convert png to bitmap.

What should I do ?

Please let me know


Best Regards,






4 댓글

It says "

The specified file does not exist.


Well, If it does then you cannot access this folder. Anyway.. the better solution is to place the "img" folder inside the "data" folder and access it like this

	String filePath = Tizen::App::App::GetInstance()->GetAppDataPath() + L"img/Homescreen_sunny_day_bg.png";
Pushpa G

Also make sure you have made the form's background color transparent by writing the following code in fileframe.cpp, oninitializing()




And then yes i tested putting the image in data folder and used the following code:

String filePath = Tizen::App::App::GetInstance()->GetAppRootPath() + L"data/image1.png";

It worked and showed the background bitmap on the form.

Try it

Kamil N

You can put bitmap in the resources and read it (for example in OnInitializing method)

AppResource *pAppResource = Application::GetInstance()->GetAppResource();
pBackground = pAppResource->GetBitmapN("wallpaper.png");


Slawek Kowalski

Better to do loading stuff outside OnDraw()