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OpenGL & textures: vertical line artifacts

Running on my OpenGL ES 2.0 app on the emulator, I'm getting weird vertical artififacts on my textures, see screenshot below:


Here the artifacts occur in the middle of the screen background texture as well as on its right edge. Several other textures in the app get a similar artifact on one of their edges. This app is portable C++ and the same exact code & texture data work perfectly on other platforms with no artifacts, so perhaps there is something the matter with the way I am setting things up on TIzen..? My app failed the store review process because of other kind of artifacts on the device. I do not have the device myself so I am dependant on the emulator working well enough to make a submission..


I have defined the following Features in my app's manifest:


And I'm using the following code for the OpenGL setup:

    // TODO:
    // Add code to do after initialization here.

    // Create a Frame
    MMark13Frame* pMMark13Frame = new MMark13Frame();

    __player = new Tizen::Graphics::Opengl::GlPlayer;

	__player->SetFps(-1); // As fast as possible


    MMarkTizenController* controller = new MMarkTizenController();
    __renderer = controller; //new GlRendererTemplate();

    return true;


Any ideas about what could be going wrong here?

- Matti


4 댓글
muditha murthy

If possible can u attach your sample code, may be it helps in figuring out. Or check once in latest 2.2.1 release SDK with HW acceleration ON.

Matti Dahlbom

The way I'm loading textures is described here: https://developer.tizen.org/forums/native-application-development/opengl-es-2.0-texture-problems-glplayer

Otherwise I'm rendering everything in a standard OpenGL ES 2.0 fashion.. as for the SDK, I'm using 2.2.1 and GPU HW support enabled. The CPU VT feature crashes my OSX so I cannot use that.


- M

Matti Dahlbom

Well this is interesting. I ran the app on the Remote Test Lab device and it ran 100% OK with no artifacts. The only difference with the build I submitted to the store review was I built it with SDK 2.2.1 instead of the older 2.2. Wonder what the difference is with the devices used with the store review testing and the ones used at (UK) RTL... ?

tizendevteam T

We checked several test applications which use texture mapping in several ways, but we cannot find such vertical line artifacts at all. 
In addition, various preloaded applications including webkit (Internet app.) already use OpenGL-ES APIs and texture mapping, however, there is no such artifact. 
Therefore, we think that the problem results from some misuse of gl functions or set gl properties improper. 
In some cases of misuse of gl functions, the behavior is undefined by khronos specifications though the drawing results look proper. Request you to check.

For further investigation, we need a sample application which shows such artifacts.