I am using Tizen Studio 3.1 with JDK 1.8.0_201. Attempt to create samsung developer certificate through tizen studio with certificate manager. At the 3rd step it asks me to login into samsung account and every time I get following message:
{"access_token":"<token here>","token_type":"bearer","access_token_expires_in":"862942","refresh_token":"-1","refresh_token_expires_in":"-1","userId":"<...>","client_id":"<...>","inputEmailID":"<email>","api_server_url":"us-auth2.samsungosp.com","auth_server_url":"us-auth2.samsungosp.com","close":true,"closedAction":"signInSuccess"}
Is there any other way to create certificate or how can I resolve this problem? Thanks
PS: sorry for my English, not a native speaker.