언어 설정

Youtube iframe video issue

Hello guys,

I am using i frame to play you tube video in my tizen jquery mobile app. When i am using  width="640" height="385"  then video is playing fine in the emulator, but if use  width="auto" height="385"  or  width="auto" height="auto"  then only audio is playing and video is not visible. only black screen is visible in the frame.

  <div data-role="content" >
       <iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="385" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yeF_b8EQcK0?html5=1" frameborder="0"> </iframe>


Can any body please tell me why this is happning.



6 댓글
Raghu Kona

Hi Arvind,

I quicky tested your application on both device and emulator with width and height set as "auto". It don't see any issues as it plays both audio and video.

Are you still seeing this issue?


Raghu Kona

arvind sharma

Thanks Raghu Kona , but i am still seeing the issue, only audio is working no video in the frame. It is only working when the i frane is of full width and height, what else i have to add in config.xml.


Raghu Kona

It is strange. Can you please share the logs by running 'sdb dlog' from command promp while you launch the app and starts playing the video.


Raghu Kona

arvind sharma

Hello Raghu Kona, i saw the logs and it is sometime showing this error.

E/ConsoleMessage( 2504): https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-vflBYcV_N.js:250:TypeError: 'null' is not an object


arvind sharma

Hello  Raghu Kona, can you please share your demo code to run this frame in emulator.

Raghu Kona

Hi Aravind,

This looks like a bug in the SDK and I have raised a Jira ticket https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TDIST-608

Please follw the link for any updates on this issue.


Raghu Kona