
After giving comments, not able to see any comments on specific thread.


When I gave any comments, not able to see any comments on specific thread.

For that already I have raised bug and link is given.  https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/DEVT-64

Still there is no comments or updated from assignee persion.  When this bugs will be resolved ?

Anyone who can updates on this Bug issue.

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


1 回复
muditha murthy
The concerned person has responded. Pls check it. He has asked you to provide some further debugging information for us to reproduce this. The exact steps to reproduce would be great, including: •what topic you were commenting on •what the url is to that topic •what your browser is •if you have any browser preferences for language