
Qt for Tizen initiative started

Dear All,

I am happy to share with you, a community port of Qt for Tizen has launched yesterday. The 1.0 Alpha 1 release contains a mobile-optimized, cross-platform application and user interface development framework many of you might already know as Qt :)

Announcement and downloads at http://qtfortizen.blogspot.com/2013/05/1.0alpha1.html.

More importantly, it contains native Tizen look and feel for smartphones and works with Tizen Emulator. Assuming you do not need sensors (support for them will come next as well as support for actual devices) and system integration, applications can already be developed using the familiar Qt Creator IDE or your favourite editor and tested with or without the Tizen Emulator.

No binaries available in this Alpha version -- you need to build on your own.

More info about the initiative: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Tizen. If you have any questions please post them below.


Best regards,


编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 回复
Tizenivi dev
Did you build the Qt sdk with tizen patch ? Also on deploying app., Does it require 'necessitas' dependent libraries like in android for it to run?
Jarosław Staniek
+ I forgot to add two things. 1. Hybridization of the platform is a necessity so prior investments of app developers are secured. As we hear Tizen would also include (one or another) implementation of Android emulation for expanding size of the app ecosystem. 2. Millions of lines of open (and closed) source Qt Desktop applications (and 3rd-party libraries) code is awaiting for porting too (this includes dozens of KDE apps and specialized libs). Think of advanced PDF support or viewing/editing of Excel/Word/PowerPoint files. PS: This is my private opinion.
Jarosław Staniek
Hi Prasanna, Thanks for your question. For now developing apps with Qt Creator works great for us; tested on various Linux distributions. If someone prefers, apps can be even traditionally developed using any favourite text editor :) Full Qt Tizen Native SDK with Tizen patches, toolchain and Native Tizen Controls is part of the roadmap. Given how popular is Creator among app developers now, I expect this realistically within two months. Qt Quick 2 applications are already integrated with Tizen menu icons and have proper lifetime. About one week left for Alpha 2, where you'd be able to test it. Current deployment option is to include all needed fresh Qt 5.1 libraries with each Qt app's package. Qt traditionally adapts itself to Tizen so it uses system libraries that are already on Tizen. As you may know Tizen packages offer a folder for private libraries. This way is totally temporary, the next step will be to have lib package that transparently installs the needed shared libraries and Native Tizen Controls with their resources _once_ for all apps. Just like Android does with Necessitas and without most of the Java-Native proxies. This works on Linux-based so I see no technical reason no to have this on Tizen, where multiple various runtimes are already present or in development (HTML5 browser, HTML5 web runtime, WebGL runtime, native OSP, OSP+Web hybrid, Havok, Cordova port, various other game engines and "web app" frameworks). Such a Qt lib package could be even deployed by selected vendors or carriers if they wish to extend capability of their app ecosystem by finally grabbing apps from BlackBerry 10, Sailfish, Ubuntu Mobile, Android and previous Nokia platforms (Harmattan and Symbian^3) and relatively soon from iOS. More info as always at http://qt-project.org/wiki/tizen.