
타이젠 스튜디오 이용(native app 비활성화 및 네트워크 fail)

타이젠 스튜디오를 이용해서 native 어플을 제작, connection 샘플을 돌리려고 합니다.

1. 우선 new project를 하고 template - wearable 2.3.2 후에 native application과 web application이 있는데 web application만 선택이 되고 native는 선택할 수 없습니다.


2. 그리고 다시 new project에서 sample - wearable 2.3.2 - web application을 선택하고 next를 누르면

The connection has failed.

Please check the preferences. 라는 메시지가 뜹니다.


package manager에서는 network disconnected라고 뜨고 Go to references가서도 test connection 해보면 connection fail이 뜹니다.  인터넷엔 문제가 없는데 어떻게 해야 되나요?


1 回复
Mehedi Alamgir

What i understood from your question is , 
1) You can't select wearable 2.3.2 project
2) When you try to open sample project it shows " The connection has failed. Please check the preferences. " message

If that is the question then probable reasons are: 

1)  May be you didn't install wearable 2.3.2 version. You have to install 2.3.2 wearable version from package manager to use this wearable version

2) Go to Window --> Preferences -->  Tizen Studio --> Sample 
Now check whether location area contains exactly following url or not . If it does not match, then put the following url in location field
and check connection by pressing "Test Connection" Button. If you have exactly above mentioned URL and still you face the same error, then it may be internet connection problem (or  slow connection issue)

Check the following image: