
Tizen Angular application strange bug

Hi all,

I am currently developing a full js/Html5 native application for Tizen (with angular), but i am encountering a very strange bug ,

When i try to display scrolling div, the content of the div is suddenly diminishing to a third of the whole screen (see captures enclosed). The full screen is scrollable and i can still see the background of my app.

This happen only on the real hardware Tizen development phone, never on Chrome in web application simulator mode.

When i go back to the dashboard, then go back to my app, the div has the good size.

Have you ever encountered this kind of problem on tizen ? 



3 回复
Raghu Kona

Can you please share the code if it is okay with you. I don't see any issues with the list widget.


Raghu Kona

Emmanuel Costa


Thanks for your quick response,

The view part is made of jade :

include includes/navBar
#wrapper(data-role="content", data-scroll="y")
      li.header(ng-bind-html="'Banques' | FBkCapitalize")
      li(ng-repeat="bank in banks")
            .lbl {{bank.name}}
Here is generated the list in an angular controller :
define(['templates'], function(templates) {
  return ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$location', '$APIBkn', '$BkModels', function($scope, $rootScope, $location ,$APIBkn, $BkModels) {


    $scope.banks = [];

    var bankParentsName = $location.search()["bpn"];
    var options = {
      listProBanks: false,
      bankParentName: bankParentsName

      var banks = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; i++) {
        var rawBank = res.rows.item(i);
        if (bankParentsName || (rawBank.bpn == "NULL" && !bankParentsName)){
            name: rawBank.bn,
            link: "/addBankAccount?bi="+rawBank.bi
        for (var j = 0; j < banks.length && banks[j].name != rawBank.bpn; j++);
        if (j < banks.length)
          name: rawBank.bpn,
          link: "/banksList?bpn="+rawBank.bpn
      $scope.banks = banks;
    }, options);


I have configured my meta as in the index html like :

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">

I really dont have any clue, its happening only on tizen hardware devices, never in chrome.

Let me know if you need to see other part of the code,

Thanks and regards 

Lakshmi Grandhi

can you share your widget if possible