Hi, I am waiting a response on the validation process.
QUES: someone know if the validation process of failure response, or resubmission correction update goes pass the deadline this weekend, does that mean your entry becomes invalid?? or will there be a courtesy time window to do revalidation when deadline passes??
QUES: so I read there's no validation response on entries during the weekend?? so why the weekend Sunday deadline?? asking because I was planning my weekend to respond on validation issues here so can fix something before deadline of Sun. night.
QUES: please clarify if resubmission courtesy time window will be extended for entries with validation issues and submitted like during Fri or Thurs.
QUES: anything or well known issues for people submitting officially into contest after successfull validation? Like another time-waiting process or web UI entry form issue of some text description? Thanks.
Thanks :)