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I would like to share ISO image that is based on Lubuntu 14.04.1 64-bit
It contains full Tizen SDK 2.3.0 installation at the /opt directory. You can try it as live CD or you can install the operating system (Tizen SDK included). Well.. it works like an ordinary Lubuntu live CD. But please read Prerequisites for the Tizen SDK first :)
Also you can build a live USB device
I reccomend to use Ubuntu Live USB Creator with Ubuntu, or Universal USB Installer (select “try unlisted linux iso” in the list) with Windows. They are nice because they leave the original boot menu. Be carefull with creating writable space ( on your USB device. It may cause real problems with performance if your USB device is not fast enough.
One more thing that is pretty important
The idea to use Ubuntu Customization Kit to create live disk comes from Russian Samsung guys (my previous attempts are associated with a creation of an image of the partiton with pre-installed operation system and Tizen SDK inside). They have their own x32 images based on Ubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu (please try them too). The situation with these images is almost the same but there is the preinstalled user (login: tizentest, password: tizentest) and the SDK was installed and should be used with this user.
Comments on the migration Tizen SDK to the /opt directory.
As you know, the default Tizen SDK is installed for the specified user. Moreover the installer is designed so that on the path to the SDK must contain the home directory of the user. Since the live DVD was conceived to be used without any specific user, I moved SDK to the /opt directory and preformed some additional settings with the paths and the permissions. It was not nessesary to cheat with the permissions and I could give all the users full access, but it would be too much.. wrong or something line this. I like not everything that was done (in particular, the common settings for all users), but it is what it is. Also I do not pretend that everything is done completely and correctly. But it works. If there are coments, be sure to write. Here are my steps.
- Move the tizen-sdk and tizen-sdk-data folders to, for example, /opt/tizen. Let <tizen-sdk> & <tizen-sdk-data> be the new paths to these folders.
- Set owner:group as root:root for <tizen-sdk>, <tizen-sdk-data> and all their content (it is not mandatory of course, but looks normal).
- Give all the users full access for <tizen-sdk-data> ind it subfolders.
- <tizen-sdk-data>/tizensdkpath could be removed.
- Edit the paths in <tizen-sdk>/
- Create <tizen-sdk>/tools/logs folder with write permission for all.
- Give all the users permission to execute <tizen-sdk>/tools/certificate-generator/
- Give all the users permission to write into <tizen-sdk>/tools/emulator/bin (it is terrible, but for some reason this is the place for .lock-files).
- Give all the users permission to write into <tizen-sdk>/ide/plugins/org.tizen.web.simulator_0.2.0.201306261724/profile (it is not great too, but Web-simulator content is generated in this directory).
- Give all the users permission to write into <tizen-sdk>/tools/native-ui-effect-builder.
- Fix all the symlinks in <tizen-sdk>/tools.
- Fix the paths in all the .desktop-files for Tizen SDK.
- Create the symlink to <tizen-sdk>/tools/sdb in /usr/bin.
And a couple more fixes related to used Web-engine.
- Install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 package.
- Append <tizen-sdk>/ide/eclipse.ini with line (without the quotes) "-Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=webkit".