
OIDC authorization using redirects


We are developing Smart TV app and we need to authenticate user using OIDC protocol.

We have our own identity provider which issues tokens with Authorization + PKCE code flow. This flow requires redirect to identity server UI where user enters his credentials. Our smart TV app type is Bundled Web App which means all resources are bundled and app opens as 'static web page' so it means we can't be redirected back from identity server.


So we are exploring possibilities to implement authorization in smart TV app. I saw there is possibility to define your own custom URI scheme and based on it open app after successful login, but I can't find working approach to do it. I know there is device flow and it will be implemented, but we still need to have possibility to enter credentials using TV remote.


For reference, our application is developed using react and packed using webpack tool.


1 Replies
Donna Steffes

Define a custom URI scheme for your Smart TV app. When the user needs to authenticate, you can display a QR code or a unique code on the TV screen. The user can then use a separate device (e.g., smartphone or computer) to scan the QR code. Your app's custom URI scheme should be registered to handle the response and retrieve the necessary tokens to establish a session on the Smart TV.